Re-Initialize Your Registry Without Rebooting (All Windows) Popular
Some registry changes require you to restart Windows before they are enabled. This tip lets you re-initialize your registry and refresh your desktop without having to leave Windows.
Make the Columns Fit (All Windows) Popular
Want to quickly see all the column in explorer without having to resize them individually? This tip does it for you.
Close Parent Windows Automatically (All Windows)
Have you ever had a screen full of explorer windows on your desktop after digging through heaps of directories? This tip lets you close the current window and all it's parent windows in one easy step.
Expand and Contract Folders With Ease (All Windows)
It can be a time-consuming process to expand a folder by clicking on the (+) for each and every sub-directory. This tip lets you expand and contract them all at once, with one keystroke.
Change Directories Without Typing the Whole Name (Windows NT/2000)
Changing directories at the command prompt can be a hit and miss process when long filenames are involved. This tip let you change directories with ease, not matter how long the directory name.
Launch the Task Manager Quickly (Windows NT/2000/XP) Popular
Launching the Task Manager can sometimes be difficult depending on the situation. Some people didn't know that the Task Manager can actually be launched in at least three different ways to make it easier to use when you need it the most.